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 FROM EXCEL TO GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM   Introduction:        Tools are those which help us to ease our work. It can no more be called a great tool if the process of using it becomes harder or complicated. Since LANPAR (created in 1969), spreadsheets have been very useful to stack data and compute it easily. They became so popular that, now, apparently, it is a must!      It would turn out more interesting, if we used this simpler method of data acquisition to build infrastructure on GCP. Every cloud provider for that matter has an end left free for open-source developers to build tools in the form of REST-API. Python has a great capability of handling dictionaries and hence, JSON types. This can be exploited more to make it work for our easy use.       So, here is how I tried to make one such bundle of a package to create my VPC Networks, Subnets and Instances in it and also add Firewall rules to manage the traffic!...
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Compute de Instances

  Lets get kick-started with creation of Compute Instances using Terraform. Note that you all ready have a project (that is linked with a billing account), a service account and keys of using that in JSON format. Spinning up an instance is very simple here. List out the configuration of the Instance that needs to be created and give them to TF in HCL language. Lets do a quick example. Configurtions of Desired Instance are as follows:   > Instance in South-Asia-1 (zone b) > Machine type is “f1-micro” which is a free-tier one > Image / OS should be Linux Debian 9 > Let the Subnet to be default > Make sure that it get updated as soon as you create it Now, Nothing can stop you from spinning it up but, how do you think Terraform would know where to do this? We haven’t told it Which provider it should create (GCP, AWS, Azure etc..), It doesn’t know, who are you (which can be found in key of service account. To Begin Create a file ...

T in Terraform

                    Lets do GCP using Terraform With the IT world moving towards cloud infrastructure, it has become very vital for everyone to keep pace in building, maintaining and even destroying infrastructure on any platform. Choosing the platform might be in the individual’s interest, but for this demo, let us start with Google Cloud Platform. T IN TERRAFORM   Terraform is a tool that helps the user in building, changing and versioning the infrastructure efficiently. It describes and manages the state of your infrastructure. With all the configurations and components of the infrastructure provided in a single package or a file, it takes care of attaining the desired state as defined in the Terraform file (.tf file)  Terraform is one of the best examples for IaaC (Infrastructure as a Code) skeleton. It is capable of handling both, low-level components, such as Compute Instances, Storage and Networkin...